Challenge 6
I'm a Poo Detective
Subjects tackled through activities includes science, language proficiency, education, teamwork and a fun experiment!
The "I'm a Poo Detective" challenge consists of two lesson plans, two posters, one worksheet, two homework sheets and one "Why This Matters" information sheet.

Let kids become detectives in discovering how to have a healthy digestion process with the "I'm a Poo Detective" challenge! Children will identify what healthy poop looks like, learn and identify what foods allow them to have a regular bowel movement, where they can be found on the Menu Map, understand that water is important to the health of the digestive system, identify the best and worst foods for the digestive system, name three body parts that are involved in digestion.
DoDEA health education
HE1 Personal and Community Health > Pre-Kindergarten > 1
HE1 Personal and Community Health > Kindergarten > 1d